Mathews, Thomas F.
Art and architecture in Byzantium and Armenia : liturgical and exegetical approaches / Thomas F. Mathews.
Aldershot, Great Britain ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Variorum, 1995.
1 volume (various pagings) : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.
Collected studies series ; CS510
0860785378 (cloth ; alk. paper)
9780860785378 (cloth ; alk. paper)
Art, Byzantine.
Architecture, Early Christian.
Architecture, Byzantine.
Art, Armenian.
Christian art and symbolism.
Art byzantin.
Architecture paléochrétienne.
Architecture byzantine.
Art arménien.
Symbolisme chrétien.
Christliche Kunst
Byzantijnse bouwkunst.
Vroegchristelijke kunst.
Christian art and symbolism Byzantine Empire.
Christian art and symbolism Armenia Medieval, 500-1500.
Christian antiquities Byzantine Empire.
Christian antiquities Armenia.
Byzantinisches Reich
Collected studies ; CS510.
Location: Library main 122632
Call No.: ID N7852.5.M3; ID:96-B954
Status: Available
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