Towns in transition : urban evolution in late antiquity and the early Middle Ages / edited by N. Christie and S.T. Loseby.
Aldershot, Hants, England ; Brookfield, Vt., USA : Scolar Press, ©1996.
ix, 318 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
This is a close and coherent examination of the evolution and transformation of towns between AD 300 and 900 within towns the borders of the old Roman Empire. The so-called 'Dark Ages' have often been represented, wrongly, as a period of general decay. In fact, as the archaeological studies in this book show, many of the towns of the Empire survived and developed, even though the Roman character of the centres was lost or altered. Among the important questions addressed are: to what extent were urban structures such as roads, walls and drains maintained? What was the role of the Church in preserving and developing the urban fabric? Do patterns of survival reflect the depth of adoption of Roman culture?
The studies in this volume are based on new archaeological data and provide a full and convincing reassessment of the old image of urban decay and the impact of incoming 'Barbarians' and Arabs on towns. The broad geographical range of towns studied, and the informed and authoritative interpretations offered in this volume, will be invaluable to scholars seeking to understand this complex, intriguing and misunderstood period of history.
1859281079 (hardcover)
9781859281079 (hardcover)
Cities and towns, Ancient.
Cities and towns, Medieval.
City Planning history
Cities history
Villes antiques.
Villes médiévales.
15.51 Antiquity.
Urbanization History.
Geschichte 300-900.
Cities History
Roman Empire
Christie, Neil.
Loseby, S. T. (Simon T.)
Location: Library main 108273
Call No.: ID HT114.T68; ID:96-B1254
Status: Available
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