McHale, John.
R. Buckminster Fuller / John McHale.
New York, George Braziller, 1962.
127 pages illustrations 26 cm
Makers of contemporary architecture
"Over 100 illustrations, plans, drawings, and photographs, together with a selection from the statements and writings of the architect, a selected bibliography, chronology, index, and notes to the text. Since the late 1920's, Buckminster Fuller's astonishing designs have been startling a widening public. On examining reproductions of his early plans, we are forced to realize that he has long been, and probably still is, a designer far ahead of this time. Although this fact has imposed a good many restrictions on Fuller, it is completely consistent with his philosophy, which postulates that design should anticipate future needs. Influenced by a strong consciousness of the world's needs, Fuller endeavors to create designs adaptable to all locations, to mass-production on a scale at least equivalent to that of the automobile industry, and at the lowest possible cost - a surprisingly low one. Now that his domes are springing up all over the world, it is seen that they possess a certain refined, even mysterious, beauty. they have been adapted to fill the divergent needs of rugged Marine Corps life, of a botanical garden, of rapidly constructed exhibition space, and of low-cost domestic housing; the flexibility of his geometric structures is in itself impressive. Mr. McHale has made the abstract theories behind the designs comprehensible, and he has presented the difficult conditions of Fuller's life with sympathy. If Fuller is not a great architect as measured by many of the prevailing standards, he nevertheless presents excellent arguments for a re-evaluation of these standards." -- Book Jacket.
Fuller, R. Buckminster (Richard Buckminster), 1895-1983.
Authors, American 20th century Criticism and interpretation.
Écrivains américains 20e siècle Critique et interprétation.
Authors, American
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Makers of contemporary architecture.
Location: Library main 77084
Call No.: PO3763; ID:86-B13970
Status: Available
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