Notion of conflict : a selection of contemporary Canadian art / [concept and organisation exhibition, Dorine Mignot ; catalogue, Dorine Mignot ; catalogue design, Walter Nikkels ; translations, Dutch-English, Beth O'Brien [and others]].
Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, [1995]
51 pages : color illustrations ; 27 cm
Includes work by Dominique Blain, Bill Burns, Alexandre David, Stan Douglas, Robert Houle, Ken Lum, Liz Magor, Barbara Steinman, Sarah Stevenson, Michael Snow, Carol Wainio, Jeff Wall, Ian Wallace.
Wallace, Ian, 1943-
Snow, Michael, 1929-
Stevenson, Sarah.
Steinman, Barbara, 1950-
Douglas, Stan, 1960-
David, Alexandre.
Wall, Jeff, 1946-
Blain, Dominique.
Art, Canadian Exhibitions.
Art, Modern 20th century Exhibitions.
Installations (Art) Canada Exhibitions.
Art, Canadian 20th century Exhibitions.
Art canadien 20e siècle Expositions.
Installations (Art) Canada Expositions.
Guerre dans l'art Expositions.
Art 20e siècle Expositions.
Installations (Art)
Art, Canadian
Art, Modern
Beeldende kunsten.
Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition publications.
Exhibition catalogs
Mignot, Dorine.
Amsterdam (Netherlands). Stedelijk Museum.
Location: Library main canada 236628
Call No.: N6545 .N68 1995
Status: Available
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