Livable cities for the 21st century / World Bank.
Washington, D.C. : World Bank, ©1996.
v, 47 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cm.
Directions in development
"As one of the World Bank's contributions to the Habitat II process in Istanbul, this publication first tells the story of nearly a quarter century of the Bank's program of urban assistance for developing countries. It then turns to the future to draw attention to priorities for action"--Page 1.
World Bank Developing countries.
Banque mondiale Pays en voie de développement.
World Bank
City planning Developing countries.
Economic assistance Developing countries.
Urbanisme Pays en voie de développement.
Aide économique Pays en voie de développement.
83.46 development economics.
City planning
Economic assistance
Developing countries
Population Growth Metropolitan Areas
Cities Environmental Management
Urban Population
World Bank.
Directions in development (Washington, D.C.)
Livable cities for the twenty-first century
Location: Library main 223593
Call No.: HT169.5.L5 1996
Status: Available
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