Hiaasen, Carl.
Team rodent : how Disney devours the world / Carl Hiaasen.
1st ed.
New York : Ballantine Pub. Group, 1998.
83 pages ; 22 cm.
Library of contemporary thought
"Disney is so good at being good that it manifests an evil; so uniformly efficient and courteous, so dependably clean and conscientious, so unfailingly entertaining that it's unreal, and therefore is an agent of pure wickedness. ... Disney isn't in the business of exploiting Nature so much as striving to improve upon it, constantly fine-tuning God's work."--Team rodent.
0345422805 (alk. paper)
9780345422804 (alk. paper)
Walt Disney Company.
Walt Disney Company Burbank, Calif.
Library of contemporary thought.
Location: Library main 217290
Call No.: PN1999.W27 H5 1998
Status: Available
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