Hazen, Dan C.
Selecting research collections for digitization / by Dan Hazen, Jeffrey Horrell, Jan Merrill-Oldham.
Washington, D.C. : Council on Library and Information Resources, ©1998.
vii, 18 pages, [1] folded leaf of plates ; 28 cm.
Economics of information. Leadership
1887334602 (alk. paper)
9781887334600 (alk. paper)
Library materials Selection for preservation.
Digital preservation.
Research libraries Collection development.
Collection development (Libraries)
Library Materials conservation & restoration.
Library Collection Development
Analog-Digital Conversion
Documents de bibliothèque Conservation et restauration Choix.
Bibliothèques de recherche Développement des collections.
Développement des collections (Bibliothèques)
collection development.
digital preservation.
Digitale technieken.
Arquivamento e recuperação da informação.
Biblioteca digital.
Horrell, Jeffrey L., 1952-
Merrill-Oldham, Jan, 1947-2011.
Council on Library and Information Resources.
Economics of information. Leadership.
Location: Library main 177105
Call No.: Z701.3.S38 S455 1998 (ID:98-B3335)
Status: Available
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