Μια σκηνη για τον Διονυσο : θεατρικος χωρος & αρχαιο δραμα / υπο την αιγιδα του Συμβουλιου της Ευρωπης και του Υπουργειου Πολιτισμου = A stage for Dionysos : theatrical space & ancient drama / under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the Greek Ministry of Culture. Mia skēnē gia ton Dionyso : theatrikos chōros & archaio drama / hypo tēn aigida tou Symvouliou tēs Eurōpēs kai tou Hypourgeiou Politismou = A stage for Dionysos : theatrical space & ancient drama / under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the Greek Ministry of Culture.
Title & Author:

Μια σκηνη για τον Διονυσο : θεατρικος χωρος & αρχαιο δραμα / υπο την αιγιδα του Συμβουλιου της Ευρωπης και του Υπουργειου Πολιτισμου = A stage for Dionysos : theatrical space & ancient drama / under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the Greek Ministry of Culture. Mia skēnē gia ton Dionyso : theatrikos chōros & archaio drama / hypo tēn aigida tou Symvouliou tēs Eurōpēs kai tou Hypourgeiou Politismou = A stage for Dionysos : theatrical space & ancient drama / under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the Greek Ministry of Culture.


[Thessalonikē] : Ekdoseis Kapon, [1998]


215 pages : illustrations ; 30 cm

"Politistikē Prōteuousa tēs Eurōpes, Thessalonikē 1997; Thessaloniki, Cultural Capital of Europe 1997."
At head of title: under the auspices of the Council of Europe and the Greek Ministry of Culture.
Published in conjunction with an exhibition held in Thessaloniki, Nov.-Dec. 1997; Syracuse, May-June, 1998; London, Nov. 1998-Apr. 1999; Plovdiv, June-July 1999; Binghampton University, Oct.-Dec. 1999; Denver, Sept.-Dec. 1999; Stratford, Ont., May-Aug. 2001.
Text in Greek and English.
Parallel text in Greek and English.



Theaters Greece.
Greek drama Modern presentation.
Théâtre grec Production et mise en scène modernes.
Theater Greece History Exhibitions.
Theater architecture Exhibitions.


exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.
Exhibition publications.

Added entries:

Misdrachē-Kapon, Rachēl
Livieratou, Geōrgia
Council of Europe.
Greece. Hypourgeio Politismou.
Organismos Politistikēs Prōteuousas tēs Eurōpēs (Thessalonikē, Greece)

Stage for Dionysos : theatrical space & ancient drama
Μια σκηνη για τον Διονυσο : θεατρικος χωρος & αρχαιο δραμα /


Location: Library main 259995
Call No.: BIB 190905
Status: Available


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