All India Symposium on Vāstu (1st : 1995 : Bangalore, India)
Vāstu, astrology, and architecture : papers presented at the First All India Symposium on Vāstu, Bangalore, held on June 3-4, 1995 / editor Gayatri Devi Vasudev.
1st ed.
Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1998.
ix, 238 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm
8120816056 (paperback)
9788120816053 (paperback)
Architecture India Philosophy Congresses.
Hindu astrology.
Astrology and architecture India.
Architecture Inde Philosophie Congrès.
Astrologie hindoue.
Astrologie et architecture Inde.
21.62 history of architecture.
Architecture Philosophy.
Astrology and architecture.
Conference papers and proceedings.
Congresses (form)
Dash, Nilakanth.
Location: Library main 201512
Call No.: NA1501 .A5 1995
Status: Available
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