Behrens, Roy R., 1946-
Camoupedia : a compendium of research on art, architecture and camouflage / Roy R. Behrens.
1st ed.
Dysart, Iowa : Bobolink Books, 2009.
463 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
This book is a sourcebook for camouflage enthusiasts who want to explore the relationship of camouflage in the field of the arts: art, architecture, theatre design, film-making, zoology, chemistry, physics, pptical physiologists. The camouflage contributions of many creatvie people are discussed, for example: Norman Rockwell; Walt Disney; Ellsworth Kelly; Bill Blass; Max Bill; Jon Gnagy; Harley Earl.
9780971324466 (pbk.)
0971324468 (pbk.)
Camouflage (Biology)
Camouflage (Military science)
Art and camouflage.
Camouflage (Biologie)
Camouflage (Science militaire)
Art et camouflage.
Camouflage (Biology) Encyclopedias.
Camouflage (Military science) Encyclopedias.
Art and camouflage Encyclopedias.
Location: Library main 272481
Call No.: BIB 205807
Status: Available
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