WTO/Unesco Seminar on the Future of the Museum-Foundations in Italy (1995 : Milan, Italy)
WTO/Unesco Seminar on the Future of the Museum-Foundations in Italy, Milan, 4 April 1995 = Séminaire OMT/Unesco sur l'avenir des fondations-musées en Italie, Milan, 4 Avril 1995 = Seminario OMT-Unesco sull'avvenire delle fondazioni-museo in Italia, Milano, 4 Aprile 1995.
[Madrid] : World Tourism Organization, 1995.
157, 11 pages ; 31 cm
Art patronage Italy Congresses.
Museums Italy Congresses.
Endowments Italy Congresses.
Mécénat Italie Congrès.
Fondations Italie Congrès.
Art patronage
Conference papers and proceedings
World Tourism Organization.
Séminaire OMT/Unesco sur l'avenir des fondations-musées en Italie
Seminario OMT/Unesco sull'avvenire delle fondazioni-museo in Italia
Location: Library main 90519
Call No.: ID AS215; ID:95-B4864
Status: Available
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