The New Acropolis Museum / edited by Bernard Tschumi Architects ; contributions by Dimitrios Pandermalis [and others].
Title & Author:

The New Acropolis Museum / edited by Bernard Tschumi Architects ; contributions by Dimitrios Pandermalis [and others].


New York : Skira Rizzoli, ©2009.


166 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 31 cm

The site -- The museum and its contents / Dimitrios Pandermalis -- The New Acropolis Museum: re-making the collective / Yannis Aesopos -- The drawings -- Conceptualizing context / Bernard Tschumi -- A photographic portfolio -- An architectural chronology of the New Acropolis Museum / Joel Rutten.

"A comprehensive look at the eagerly anticipated New Acropolis Museum in Athens, Greece, and the celebrated collection it houses. Marking the opening of the New Acropolis Museum, this book examines both its architecture and the archaeological treasures it was built to house. The building addresses the dramatic complexities of the collection and the site with minimalist simplicity by using three main materials - glass, stainless steel, and concrete. "There's no way at the beginning of the twenty-first century you can try to imitate even superficially the art of 2,500 years ago," Tschumi says. The "precision of the concept was really what counted." The book provides an in-depth look at the creation of the building, set only 280 meters from the Parthenon, as well as the restoration, preservation, and housing of its exhibits through over 200 photographs, drawings, and texts."--Publisher's description


9780847841684 (pbk.)
0847841685 (pbk.)


Mouseio Akropolēs.
Neo Museio tēs Akropolēs Athen
Athen Neues Akropolis-Museum.
Museum buildings Greece Athens.
Archaeological museums and collections Greece Athens.
Museum buildings Greece Athens Designs and plans.
Architecture Greece Athens Designs and plans Working drawings.
Musées (Édifices) Grèce Athènes.
Archéologie Musées et collections Grèce Athènes.
Musées (Édifices) Grèce Athènes Dessins et plans.
Archaeological museums and collections
Museum buildings
Athens (Greece) Buildings, structures, etc.
Greece Athens


Architectural drawings

Added entries:

Pantermalēs, Dēmētrios.
Bernard Tschumi Architects.


Location: Library main 264295
Call No.: BIB 195639
Status: Available


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