Ruby, Jay, author.
Picturing culture : explorations of film & anthropology / Jay Ruby.
Chicago : University of Chicago Press, [2000]
xiii, 339 pages ; 24 cm
Jay Ruby distills his thirty-year exploration of the relationship of film and anthropology. Spurred by a conviction that the ideal of an anthropological cinema has not even remotely begun to be realized, Ruby argues that ethnographic filmmakers should generate a set of critical standards analogous to those for written ethnographies. Cinematic artistry and the desire to entertain, he argues, can eclipse the original intention, which is to provide an anthropological representation of the subjects. [publisher].
0226730980 (cloth ; acid-free paper)
9780226730981 (cloth ; acid-free paper)
0226730999 (pbk.)
9780226730998 (pbk.)
Motion pictures in ethnology.
Visual anthropology.
Cinéma en ethnologie.
Anthropologie visuelle.
73.03 methods and techniques of ethnology.
Visuelle Medien
Etnografische films.
Films ethnographiques.
Explorations of film and anthropology
Location: Library main 236207
Call No.: BIB 166038
Status: Available
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