Marshall, Alex, 1959-
How cities work : suburbs, sprawl, and the roads not taken / Alex Marshall.
1st ed.
Austin : University of Texas Press, 2000.
xxiii, 243 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm.
Constructs series
The author explores "the decentralized spread of California's Silicon Valley, the crowded streets of New York City's Jackson Heights neighborhood, the controlled growth of Portland, Oregon, and the stage-set facades of Disney's planned community, Celebration, Florida," and argues that the real forces of shaping cities--transportation systems, industry and business, and political decision making--have been ignored.--Cover.
0292752393 (cl ; alk. paper)
9780292752399 (cl ; alk. paper)
0292752407 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9780292752405 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
City planning.
Cities and towns Growth.
Social psychology.
Social participation.
Psychology, Social
Social Participation
City Planning
Villes Croissance.
Psychologie sociale.
Participation sociale.
social psychology.
urban planning.
urban sprawl.
suburban growth.
satellite cities.
71.14 urban society.
Stedelijke ontwikkeling.
Psychosociale aspecten.
Constructs series.
Suburbs, sprawl, and the roads not taken
Location: Library main 213736
Call No.: HT166 .M3 2000
Status: Available
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