Veen, Sijtze van der.
75 years Erasmus Boekhandel : Amsterdam-Paris / Sytze van der Veen.
Amsterdam : Erasmus, 2009.
96 pages : illustrations (some color), facsimiles, portraits ; 25 cm
Erasmus Antiquariaat en Boekhandel History.
Erasmus Antiquariaat en Boekhandel
Book industries and trade Netherlands Amsterdam History.
Publishers and publishing Netherlands Amsterdam History.
Book industries and trade France Paris History.
Publishers and publishing France Paris History.
Livres Industrie Pays-Bas Amsterdam Histoire.
Livres Industrie France Paris Histoire.
Book industries and trade
Publishers and publishing
France Paris
Netherlands Amsterdam
Erasmus Antiquariaat en Boekhandel.
Seventy-five years Erasmus Boekhandel
Location: Library acquisitions office 264308
Call No.: BIB 195656
Status: Available
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