Paris in 3D : from stereoscopy to virtual reality 1850-2000 / in association with the Musée Carnavalet, Museum of the History of Paris ; edited by Françoise Reynaud, Catherine Tambrun and Kim Timby.
London : Booth-Clibborn Editions ; [Place of publication not identified] : Paris-Musées, 2000.
291 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 30 cm + 1 stereoscope, 1 anaglyphic glasses and 1 ChromaDepth 3-D glasses
Exhibition catalogue. Paris, Musée Carnavalet, Oct. 4-Dec. 31, 2000.
Photography, Stereoscopic History Exhibitions.
Three-dimensional display systems Exhibitions.
Photography France Paris History Exhibitions.
Photography, Stereoscopic Exhibitions.
Photographie France Paris Histoire Expositions.
Photographie stéréoscopique Expositions.
Affichage tridimensionnel Expositions.
Photographie stéréoscopique Histoire Expositions.
Photography, Stereoscopic
Three-dimensional display systems
Photographie stéréoscopique Catalogues d'exposition.
Stéréogrammes Catalogues d'exposition.
Tredimensionella bilder.
Stereofotografi historia.
Paris (France) Pictorial works Exhibitions.
Paris (France) Ouvrages illustrés Expositions.
France Paris
Paris (France) Dans l'art Catalogues d'exposition.
Paris historia bildverk.
Exhibition catalogues.
Stereoscopes England 2000.
stereoscopic photographs.
exhibition catalogs.
Illustrated works
Exhibition catalogs
Exhibition, pictorial works
Catalogues d'exposition.
Ouvrages illustrés.
Reynaud, Françoise.
Tambrun, Catherine.
Timby, Kim.
Musée Carnavalet.
Paris in 3-D
Paris in three dimensions
Location: Library main 299489
Call No.: BIB 245604
Status: Available
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