Castello, Lineu.
Rethinking the meaning of place : conceiving place in architecture-urbanism / Lineu Castello ; translated by Nick Rands.
Farnham, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate Pub. Company, ©2010.
xx, 256 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm.
The increasing spread of newly `invented' places, designed under innovative configurations, such as theme parks, shopping malls and revamped historic areas, makes a need for a redefinition of the concept of `place', especially from an architecture-urbanism perspective. This book provides an interdisciplinary examination of the modernization of the concept, assessing the various approaches, and categorizes the new places according to the different phenomenological experiences they are able to provide. It analyses the impact such new types of place have upon society's environmental perception, and argues how these places can contribute towards enhancing the quality of life in today's cities. -- Back cover.
9780754678144 (hardback ; alk. paper)
0754678148 (hardback ; alk. paper)
9780754696070 (ebook)
0754696073 (ebook)
Geographical perception.
Human geography.
Urban geography.
City planning.
Public architecture.
Public spaces.
Place (Philosophy)
Perception géographique.
Géographie urbaine.
Architecture publique.
Espaces publics.
Lieu (Philosophie)
human geography.
Architecture and Planning.
Ort Wahrnehmung.
Wahrnehmung Ort.
Öffentlicher Raum Transformation.
Transformation Öffentlicher Raum.
stedelijke terreinen
urban sites
stedelijke planning
urban planning
stedelijke samenleving
urban society
sociale geografie
social geography
Urban Plans
Stedelijke plannen
Rands, Nick, 1955- translator.
Location: Library main 273725
Call No.: BIB 207394
Status: Available
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