The post socialist city : continuity and change in urban space and imagery / Alfrun Kliems, Marina Dmitrieva (eds.).
Berlin : Jovis Verlag, 2010.
269 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm.
Jovis diskurs
It is impossible to view urban planning in Socialism apart from its ideological content. Socialist ideas were realised in buildings, the layout of streets and squares, in films, in literature, and fine art. This heritage - even after the collapse of the political system - has survived into the post-socialist city to date. At the end of the last century, however, representative socialist buildings lost their political significance or disappeared from the urban picture altogether. Other buildings from this period were given alternative functions in the course of new urban usage concepts.
9783868590180 (paperback)
3868590188 (paperback)
Architecture, Postmodern Former communist countries.
Architecture Former communist countries.
Architecture, Modern.
Post-communism Former communist countries.
Architecture postmoderne Anciens pays communistes.
Postcommunisme Anciens pays communistes.
Architecture Anciens pays communistes.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture, Postmodern
Former communist countries
Kliems, Alfrun, 1969-
Dmitrieva, Marina.
Jovis Diskurs.
Location: Library main 269944
Call No.: BIB 202447
Status: Available
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