Earl, Sarah, 1971-
Outcome mapping : building learning and reflection into development programs / Sarah Earl, Fred Carden and Terry Smutylo ; foreword by Michael Quinn Patton.
Ottawa : International Development Research Centre, ©2001.
xiii, 139 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
"More and more, development organizations are under pressure to demonstrate that their programs result in significant and lasting changes in the well-being of their intended beneficiaries. However, such "impacts" are often the product of a confluence of events for which no single agency or group of agencies can realistically claim full credit. As a result, assessing development impacts is problematic, yet many organizations continue to struggle to measure results far beyond the reach of their programs." "Outcome Mapping recognizes that development is essentially about people relating to each other and their environment. The originality of this approach lies in its shift away from assessing the products of a program to focus on changes in behaviour, relationships, actions, and activities in the people, groups, and organizations it works with directly. In doing so, Outcome Mapping debunks many of the myths about measuring impact. It will help a program be specific about the actors it targets, the changes it expects to see, and the strategies it employs and, as a result, be more effective in terms of the results it achieves. This publication explains the various steps in the outcome mapping approach and provides detailed information on workshop design and facilitation. It includes numerous worksheets and examples."--Jacket
Economic development projects Evaluation.
Technical assistance Evaluation.
Community development Evaluation.
Evaluation research (Social action programs)
International cooperation.
International Cooperation
Projets de développement économique Évaluation.
Assistance technique Évaluation.
Développement communautaire Évaluation.
Évaluation de programme.
Coopération internationale.
development planning.
development project.
training programme.
project evaluation.
impact evaluation.
evaluation technique.
data collecting.
planification du développement.
projet de développement.
programme de formation.
évaluation de projet.
évaluation de l'impact.
technique d'évaluation.
acquisition de connaissances.
collecte des données.
planificación del desarrollo.
proyecto de desarrollo.
programa de formación.
evaluación de proyectos.
evaluación del impacto.
técnica de evaluación.
adquisición de conocimientos.
recopilación de datos.
Development assistance -- Evaluation process
Development projects -- Project evaluation
Spiral bindings.
IDRC pub.
pub CRDI.
pub CIID.
Carden, F. (Fred)
Patton, Michael Quinn.
Smutylo, Terry.
International Development Research Centre (Canada)
Location: Library main 301341
Call No.: BIB 247510
Status: Available
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