The Seaside debates : a critique of the new urbanism / Seaside Institute, Seaside, Florida ; [edited by Todd Bressi ; preface by Robert Davis].
New York : Rizzoli ; London : Troika, 2002.
160 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 23 cm
This series of presentations and critiques, which took place at the Seaside Institute in Seaside, Florida, highlights the major issues of New Urbanism as they were discussed by the key players in the field, such as Andres Duany, Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, Stefanos Polyzoides, and Daniel Solomon, as well as such academic critics as Witold Rybczynski, Colin Rowe, Judith DiMaio, Alex Krieger, Alan Plattus, and others. Issues of growth management, promotion of civic life, land conservation, and rational transportation were discussed, focusing on eight U.S. and Canadian cities as examples.
Urban policy.
City planning.
Politique urbaine.
Urban policy United States.
City planning United States.
Stadsplanering (estetik)
Conference papers (document genres)
Bressi, Todd W., editor.
Seaside Institute.
Location: Library main 223884
Call No.: HT166 .S4 2002
Status: Available
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