Curating and the educational turn / Paul O'Neill & Mick Wilson (Eds.).
Title & Author:

Curating and the educational turn / Paul O'Neill & Mick Wilson (Eds.).


London : Open Editions ; Amsterdam : De Appel, 2010.


342 pages ; 22 cm


Occasional table

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Paul O'Neill, Mick Wilson -- Control I'm here : a call for the free use of the means of producing communication, in curating and in general / Jan Verwoert -- Turning / Irit Rogoff -- Weberian lessons : art, pedagogy and managerialism / Dave Beech -- Letter to Jane (investigation of a function) / Simon Sheikh -- Wonderful uncertainty / Raqs Media Collective -- Education aesthetics / Andrea Phillips -- 'Education, information, entertainment': current approaches in higher arts education / Ute Meta Bauer -- An aesthetic education against aesthetic education / Stewart Martin -- A simple turn: notes on an argument / Hassan Khan -- Between a pedagogical turn and a hard place : thinking with conditions / Janna Graham -- Some turn and some don't (on set-ups) / Edgar Schmitz -- Exhibition to school : unitednationsplaza / Anton Vidokle -- The angry middle aged: romance and the possibilities of adult education in the art world / Tirdad Zolghadr -- Educational turns part one / Liam Gillick -- Education with innovations : beyond art-pedagogical projects / Peio Aguirre -- Experiments in integrated programming / Sally Tallant -- Introduction to The paraeducation department / Annie Fletcher, Sarah Pierce -- 'Please touch me ... ' Rainer Ganahl and the politics of learning / William Kaizen -- Teaching without teaching / Daniel Buren, Wouter Davidts -- To who the past no longer, and not yet the future, belongs: a response to a letter / 16 Beaver Group -- Spaces of unexpected learning 2 / Annette Kraus, Emily Pethick, Marina Vishmidt -- A dialogue on Art school / Cornford & Cross -- Twist and shout : on free universities, educational reforms and twists and turns inside and outside the art world / Marion von Osten, Eva Egermann -- School of thought / David Blamey, Alex Coles -- Stand I don't / Charles Esche, de Appel CP -- Start with a table ... / Charles Esche -- Latent essentialisms : an e-mail exchange on art, research and education / Tom Holert, Mick Wilson.
Includes texts by David Blamey & Alex Coles, Daniel Buren & Wouter Daidts, Charles Esche, Liam Gillick, Jan Verwoert and others.

"The anthology Curating and the Educational Turn introduces twenty-seven critical essays describing this phenomenon and represents an extremely helpful tool for anyone interested in the future of curatorship and exhibitions. The book shows the huge potential that exists for art institutions to be laboratories and places of knowledge production."--Jacket


9780949004185 (paperback)
0949004189 (paperback)


Art museums Educational aspects.
Art museum curators.
Musées d'art Aspect éducatif.
Conservateurs de musée d'art.
Art and Design.
Pedagogische aspecten.
Conservatoren (kunst)
Kunstzinnige vorming.



Added entries:

O'Neill, Paul, 1970-
Wilson, Mick.
Occasional table.


Location: Library main 285295
Call No.: BIB 224701
Status: External loan


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