Thall, Bob, photographer.
City spaces : photographs of Chicago alleys / Bob Thall ; with an afterword by Ross Miller.
First edition.
Santa Fe, New Mexico ; Harrisonburg, Virginia : Center for American Places, 2002.
Chicago, Illinois : University of Chicago Press
ix, 86 pages : chiefly illustrations ; 24 x 31 cm.
Center books on Chicago and environs ; volume 3
"In City Spaces Thall returns downtown to Chicago's alleys where the artist finds remnants of the old city that he, and many other Chicagoans, once found so compelling. Although the fronts of these buildings may have been refurbished, Thall notes, "no one had bothered with the back. One could see the evidence of many years of use and history." Here among the deep urban slits where rain almost never falls one can experience a sense of Chicago as it once was. Writes Thall: "Investigating these spaces reminded me of my earlier sense of the city as a mysterious landscape to explore.
My history as a Chicagoan, my history as a photographer, the history of the city, and, in a small way, the history of photography - without any plan or anticipation, these photographs brought these histories together for me." City Spaces will be a welcome addition to those interested in fine art photography, architecture, Chicago, and the urban scene."--Jacket.
1930066074 (alk. paper)
9781930066076 (alk. paper)
Street photography Illinois Chicago.
Alleys Illinois Chicago Pictorial works.
Photographie de rue Illinois Chicago.
Street photography
Stedelijke ontwikkeling.
Openbare ruimte.
Illinois Chicago
Chicago (Ill.)
Alleys (streets by form) United States Illinois Chicago 1990-2000.
Streetscapes United States Illinois Chicago 1990-2000.
Photography United States Illinois Chicago 1990-2000.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Ouvrages illustrés.
Livres de photographies.
Miller, Ross, writer of afterword.
Center for American Places, publisher.
Center books on Chicago and environs ; v. 3.
Location: Library main m 237241
Call No.: TR140.T365.A35 2002
Status: Available
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