Westminster Abbey Chapter House : the history, art and architecture of 'a chapter house beyond compare' / edited by Warwick Rodwell and Richard Mortimer ; with contributions from Jeremy Ashbee [and others].
Title & Author:

Westminster Abbey Chapter House : the history, art and architecture of 'a chapter house beyond compare' / edited by Warwick Rodwell and Richard Mortimer ; with contributions from Jeremy Ashbee [and others].


London : Society of Antiquaries of London, 2010.


xv, 302 pages, [2] folded leaves of plates : illustrations ; 31 cm.


English Heritage

Includes bibliographical references (pages 287-296) and index.
ch. 1 The chapter house complex: morphology and construction / Warwick Rodwell -- ch. 2 King Henry III and the chapter house of Westminster Abbey / David Carpenter -- ch. 3 The chapter house of Westminster Abbey: harbinger of a new dispensation in English architecture? / Christopher Wilson -- ch. 4 Westminster and other two-storeyed chapter houses and treasuries / Warwick Rodwell -- ch. 5 The fabric of the Westminster chapter house: filling in the gaps from Salisbury / Tim Tatton-Brown -- ch. 6 The monks of Westminster and their chapter house / Barbara Harvey -- ch. 7 The royal wardrobe and the chapter house of Westminster Abbey / Jeremy Ashbee -- ch. 8 The chapter house as a record office / Elizabeth Hallam Smith -- ch. 9 Sir George Gilbert Scott and the restoration of the Chapter house, 1849-72 / Steven Brindle -- ch. 10 The sculpture decoration of the Westminster chapter house portals / Pamela Tudor-Craig -- ch. 11 Wall paintings in the chapter house / Helen Howard -- ch. 12 The chapter house decorated tile pavement / Laurence Keen -- ch. 13 The chapter house glazing / Warwick Rodwell -- ch. 14 The chapter house doors and their dating / Martin Bridge.
Current Copyright Fee: GBP20.00 0.
English with summaries in English, French and German.

This volume tells the complete story of the Westminster Abbey Chapter House, which ranks as one of the spectacular achievements of European Gothic art & architecture as its builder, King Henry III, intended. Begun in the mid-1240s, & completed within a decade, its pre-eminence was recognized in its own day.


9780854312955 (hbk.)
0854312951 (hbk.)


Westminster Abbey History.
Westminster Abbey.
Abbeys England London History.
Architecture, Gothic England London.
Religious architecture England London.
Art, Gothic England London.
Abbayes Angleterre Londres Histoire.
Architecture gothique Angleterre Londres.
Architecture religieuse Angleterre Londres.
Art gothique Angleterre Londres.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture, Gothic
Art, Gothic
Religious architecture
Westminster (London, England) Buildings, structures, etc.
England London
England London Westminster
London Westminster Abbey Kapitelhaus Kongressbericht.
London; Westminster Cathedral.



Added entries:

Rodwell, Warwick, editor.
Mortimer, Richard, 1949- editor.
Ashbee, Jeremy, editor.
English Heritage (Series)


Location: Library main 273241
Call No.: BIB 206750
Status: Available


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