Crook, J. Mordaunt (Joseph Mordaunt), 1937-
The architect's secret : Victorian critics and the image of gravity / J. Mordaunt Crook.
London : John Murray, 2003.
ix, 228 pages : illustrations, portraits ; 23 cm
What is the secret of beauty in architecture? Critics have puzzled over this for centuries, not least Victorian architectural writers. This study focuses on four Victorian critics - George Aitchison, Benjamin Webb, Beresford Hope and Coventry Patmore - and charts their responses to this question.
Architecture, Victorian Great Britain.
Architecture, British.
Architecture victorienne Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture britannique.
Architecture, Victorian.
Great Britain.
Location: Library main 232085
Call No.: NA967.5.V53 C76 2003
Status: Available
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