Sakamoto, Kazunari, 1943-
Häuser = Houses / Kazunari Sakamoto.
Basel : Birkhäuser, 2004.
84 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 22 x 22 cm
"Just as quotidian situations may suddenly become profoundly moving and catalyse new feelings within us, Kazunari Sakamoto's houses draw us into dimensions that transcend their physical substance. Whether located in a haphazard suburban setting or in the urban density of Tokyo, these consciously inconspicuous forms offer unexpected spatial sensations. Sakamoto's architectural works define the boundaries for everyday life. Rather than making entirely new proposals for the age-old topic of "dwelling", his houses are specific case studies that have no intention of becoming prototypes. With buildings that are at once pragmatic and extremely precise in their design, he manages to create highly complex spaces and structures."--Jacket.
3764371978 (pbk.)
9783764371975 (pbk.)
Sakamoto, Kazunari, 1943- Exhibitions.
Sakamoto, Kazunari, 1943- Expositions.
Sakamoto, Kazunari, 1943-
Architecture, Domestic Japan Designs and plans Exhibitions.
Architecture, Domestic Japan Exhibitions.
Architecture domestique Japon Expositions.
Architecture, Domestic
Exhibition catalogs
Location: Library main 243089
Call No.: BIB 172885
Status: Available
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