Re views : artists and public space / [edited by Ruth Charity].
London : Black Dog Pub., ©2005.
182 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 29 cm
"Re views :artists and public space provides an extensive overview of projects where artists have engaged new thinking and practices for the build environment and public space. Addressing the subject of public art from the artist's perspective, and emphasising process as well as product, Re views explores artistic practice beyond the studio, addressing the importance of research time for artists, the relationship between artist and audience, collaboration between artists and other design professionals, and the contribution artists can make to the future of our towns and cities"--Page 4 of cover.
190477220X (paperback)
9781904772200 (paperback)
Read, Simon.
Kippin, John.
Randall-Page, Peter, 1954-
Short, Louise.
Freeman, Peter.
Ward, Sasha.
Patterson, Simon, 1967-
Poncelet, Jacqui.
Turnbull, Alison.
Heatherwick, Thomas.
Public art Great Britain.
Art public Grande-Bretagne.
Public art
Art Intégration à l'architecture Grande-Bretagne.
Great Britain
Case studies
Études de cas.
Charity, Ruth.
Location: Library main 243253
Call No.: BIB 173035
Status: Available
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