[Montréal redevelopment].
Title & Author:

[Montréal redevelopment].


[approximately 1960]


6 printing plates : metal and wood ; 28 x 39 cm or smaller

Printing plates show the Dozois Plan sector in central Montréal, the area slated for expropriation and redevelopment with low-cost housing, Ontario Street to the North, rue Sainte Catherine to the South, rue Saint Denis to the East, and rue Saint Urbain to the West, the site of the future Habitations Jeanne-Mance.
Scales vary.
Three of the plates are stamped "RG & B" and "IPEU-523", the latter being the mark of the International Photo-Engravers Union with either the shop number or the engraver's number
Secteurs visités = Areas inspected -- Repartition du terrain = Land coverage -- Etapes de démolition = Stages of demolition -- Plan type d'un étage d'un des bâtiments = Typical floor plan of one of the buildings.

Exhibited: "Les années 60: Montréal voit grand = The 60s: Montréal thinks big", Centre canadien d'architecture, Oct. 20, 2004-Sept. 11, 2005.


Land use, Urban Québec (Province) Montréal.
Utilisation urbaine du sol Québec (Province) Montréal.
Land use, Urban.
Montréal (Québec) Buildings, structures, etc.
Québec Montréal.
Low cost housing Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1950-1970.
Urban renewal Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1950-1970.
Urban land use Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1950-1970.


Printing plates.
Floor plans.

Added entries:

RG & B.


Location: Library cage objects 177399
Call No.: ID:98-F77
Status: Available


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