Pourquoi Disney au CCA? = Why Disney at the CCA? : recordings, 1997.
1 audiocassette (DAT) : digital ; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape
Recordings of a public debate with panelists Annick Germain, Stéphane Aquin, Claude Gosselin, and Nancy Dunton, held on the occasion of the CCA open house, Sept. 11, 1997, at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. Presented in conjunction with the exhibition "The Architecture of Reassurance: Designing the Disney Theme Parks"/"L'architecture du réconfort: Les parcs thématiques de Disney" on view at the CCA June 17-Sept. 28, 1997. Introductory remarks by Nancy Dunton.
Walt Disney Company Influence.
Walt Disney Company Exhibitions.
Walt Disney Company
Amusement parks Design Exhibitions.
Architecture, Modern 20th century Exhibitions.
Architecture United States History 20th century Exhibitions.
Architecture 20e siècle Expositions.
Architecture États-Unis Histoire 20e siècle Expositions.
Amusement parks Design
Architecture, Modern
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)
United States
Fantastic architecture United States 1950-2000.
American Culture.
Urban planning United States 1950-2000.
Theme parks United States 1950-2000.
Sound recordings.
Digital audio tapes.
Exhibition catalogs
Aquin, Stéphane.
Dunton, Nancy H.
Germain, Annick, 1948-
Gosselin, Claude, 1944-
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Why Disney at the CCA?
Location: Library main av cca productions 268130
Call No.: Box 5 (BIB 200006)
Copy: audiocassette
Status: Available
Location: Library main av cca productions 268129
Call No.: Box 5 (BIB 200006)
Copy: DAT
Status: Available
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