Words without pictures / [editor, Alex Klein ; initial concept, Charlotte Cotton].
1st Aperture ed.
New York : Aperture ; London : Thames & Hudson [distributor], ©2009.
501 pages : illustrations ; 21 cm
"The WORDS WITHOUT PICTURES publication documents roughly one year of conversations surrounding photography. The book includes all twelve essays from the website, a selection of the on-line responses to the essays, excerpts from live panel discussions held at LACMA, two conversations with artists, and answers to a series of questionnaires on the current state of photography that were circulated to artists, critics, curators, and publishers."--Words Without Pictures web site
9781597111423 (pbk.)
1597111422 (pbk.)
Photography, Artistic Philosophy.
Photographie artistique Philosophie.
Klein, Alex (Alex P.), 1978-
Cotton, Charlotte.
Los Angeles County Museum of Art.
Location: Library main 266967
Call No.: BIB 199017
Status: Available
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