Willington (Conn. : Town)
Annual report of the selectmen and treasurer and other town officers of the Town of Willington, Conn. for year ending ...
Danielson, Conn. : Ingalls Print. Co.
volumes ; 23 cm
Willington Public Library Periodicals.
Municipal government Connecticut Willington (Town) Periodicals.
Public libraries Connecticut Willington (Town) Periodicals.
Expenditures, Public.
Municipal government.
Public libraries.
Willington (Conn. : Town) Appropriations and expenditures Periodicals.
Connecticut Willington (Town)
Annual reports.
Willington Public Library.
Norman D. Stevens Collection of Library Architecture June 30, 1946, June 30, 1953.
Location: Library main periodicals 211324
Call No.: W.W545564
Status: Available
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