The encyclopedia of New York City / Edited by Kenneth T. Jackson ; Executive Editor Lisa Keller, Managing Editor Nance V. Flood.
Second edition.
New Haven : Yale University Press ; New York : New-York Historical Society, [2010]
xix, 1561 pages : illustrations, maps, portraits ; 29 cm
Much has changed since the volume first appeared in 1995: the World Trade Center no longer dominates the skyline, a billionaire businessman has become an unlikely three-term mayor, and urban regeneration'Chelsea Piers, the High Line, DUMBO, Williamsburg, the South Bronx, the Lower East Side has become commonplace. To reflect such innovation and change, this definitive, one-volume resource on the city has been completely revised and expanded. The revised edition includes 800 new entries that help complete the story of New York: from Air Train to E-ZPass, from September 11 to public order. The new material includes broader coverage of subject areas previously underserved as well as new maps and illustrations. Virtually all existing entries spanning architecture, politics, business, sports, the arts, and more have been updated to reflect the impact of the past two decades.
9780300114652 (alk. paper)
0300114656 (alk. paper)
New York (N.Y.) Encyclopedias.
New York (N.Y.)
New York (State) New York
New York, NY
New York.
Förenta staterna New York.
Reference works
Informational works
Ouvrages de référence.
Documents d'information.
Jackson, Kenneth T., editor.
Keller, Lisa, editor.
Flood, Nance V., editor.
New-York Historical Society.
Location: Library study room 270595
Call No.: F128.3 .E53 2010
Status: Available
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