Haidar, Mansura.
Indo-Turkish architecture / Mansura Haidar ; edited by Halil Akinci.
[Istanbul, Turkey] : Archaeology and Art Publications, 2010.
192 pages : color illustrations ; 23 cm
The present work aims to study some selected examples of medieval architecture in India from the eleventh to seventeenth centuries. Although numerous valuable works already exist on this theme, as a comparative study highlighting external influences on Indian architecture of the middle ages this work remains unique, as the brief exchanges between the two lands of Turkey and India in the sphere of architecture are yet to be evaluated and highlighted. It is in this context, that such a study seemed worth attempting. Th e impact of Turkish culture, which itself internally combines both Turco-Mongol and Perso-Islamic features had left an indelible stamp on the sphere of fine arts in India- the extent, depth and effect of which has yet to be determined and assessed. It is the simple rationale behind the current endeavour.
Islamic architecture India.
Architecture, Turkish India.
Architecture, Medieval India.
Architecture islamique Inde.
Architecture turque Inde.
Architecture médiévale Inde.
Architecture, Medieval.
Architecture, Turkish.
Islamic architecture.
Islamische Architektur
Islamisk arkitektur Indien.
Arkitektur Indien islamiska influenser.
Akinci, Halil.
Location: Library main 270931
Call No.: BIB 203863
Status: Available
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