Living with history, 1914-1964 : rebuilding Europe after the First and Second World Wars and the role of heritage preservation/La reconstruction en Europe après la Première et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le rôle de la conservation des monuments historiques / Nicholas Bullock ; Luc Verpoest.
Title & Author:

Living with history, 1914-1964 : rebuilding Europe after the First and Second World Wars and the role of heritage preservation/La reconstruction en Europe après la Première et la Seconde Guerre Mondiale et le rôle de la conservation des monuments historiques / Nicholas Bullock ; Luc Verpoest.


Leuven : Leuven UP, 2011.


390 pages : illustrations ; 29 cm.


KADOC-Artes ; 12

Introduction = Introduction / Nicholas Bullock & Luc Verpoest -- PART II. THE RECONSTRUCTION OF HERITAGE / LA RECONSTRUCTION DU PATRIMOINE. 1. Heritage in Time of War = Patrimoine en temps de guerre. Art and Architectural History as Substitutes for Preservation. German Heritage Policy in Belgium during and after the First World War / Marnix Beyen -- "The German Way of Making Better Cities." German Reconstruction Plans for Belgium during the First World War / Wolfgang Cortjaens -- 2. The Institutional Framework / Le cadre institutionnel. La France d'un modèle de reconstruction à l'autre, 1918-1945 / Danièle Voldman -- Paul Léon, le service des Monuments historiques et la reconstruction. Enjeux et cadre institutionnel / Arlette Auduc -- Le service des Monuments historiques. Acteur de la construction en France, 1940-1950 / Patrice Gourbin -- 3. After the First World War: case studies / Après la Première Guerre mondiale: études de cas. Les ambiguïtés du régionalisme architectural après la Grande Guerre. L' exemple de la Flandre française / Benoît Mihail -- Avec ou sans l'histoire? L' exemple de la reconstruction des églises de Meurthe-et-Moselle (Lorraine française) après la Première Guerre mondiale / Nicolas Padiou -- Alignements urbains et reconstructions après-guerre à Louvain et Saint-Malo / Anne Moignet-Gaultier -- 4. After the Second World War: case studies / Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale: études de cas. Le symbole ou la fonction? La reconstruction des églises protégées après la Seconde Guerre mondiale / Céline Frémaux -- Les enjeux de la création contemporaine dans la restauration d'un monument classé Les premiers vitraux de peintres à la cathédrale de Metz, 1952-1965 / Christine Blanchet-Vaque -- A Remarkable Continuity between 1930s Ideas and Reconstruction after the Second World War. New Stained-Glass Windows in War-Damaged Churches in the Diocese of Namur (Belgium) / Zsuzsanna Borocz -- Recreating an Urban Atmosphere. The Rebuilding of Three Dutch Towns: Middelburg, Rhenen and Wageningen / Arjen Looyenga -- Histoires sans abri -- abris sans histoires. La valeur historique et sociale des monuments reconstruits / Gabi Dolff-Bonekamper -- PART II. THE HERITAGE OF RECONSTRUCTION. 1. LE PATRIMOINE DE LA RECONSTRUCTION . After the First World War. 1. Après la Premiere Guerre mondiale Huib Hoste and the Reconstruction of Zonnebeke, 1919-1924 / Patrik Jaspers -- Domi or Dom-Ino? The Role of the Genius Loci in Post-war Reconstruction and Interwar Urbanism / Leen Meganck -- Ferdinand De Ruddere as Town Architect of Dendermonde after the First World War. Stylistic Indifference or Balance? / Evert Vandeweghe -- 2. After the Second World War / Après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Housing for War Victims, 1946-1948. A Problematic Building Project by the Belgian Government / Fredie Floré -- The Reconstruction of the Croatian Coastal City of Zadar / Ivana Lazanja -- La réception de l'architecture breésilienne aà Royan / Gilles Ragot -- Regeneration of the Dutch Residence. Representation of State and Post-war Reconstruction at The Hague / Marieke Kuipers -- 3. HERITAGE, RECONSTRUCTION, PAST AND FUTURE / PATRIMOINE, RECONSTRUCTION, LE PASSE ET LE FUTUR. The Remains of War and the Heritage of Post-war Reconstruction in Flanders Today / Jo Braeken -- La fortune critique de la reconstruction. Présence de l'histoire, politique du lien, poeétique de l'intervalle / Emmanuel Doutriaux -- Valuing the Past, Seizing the Future. Towards an Architecture of Reconstruction / Nicholas Bullock.

"Living with history" focuses on a particular aspect of heritage preservation in the 20th century: destruction and post-war reconstruction in Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, and The Netherlands. This book establishes a status quaestionis for the historiography of wartime and post-war preservation, and sets these particular developments in preservation history in the context of the general evolution of architecture and urbanism. It studies the specific role of conservationists and heritage institutions and administrations in the overall reconstruction, and examines the specific role of architects and planners in preservation matters.




Historic preservation Europe Buildings 20th century.
Buildings Repair and reconstruction Europe 20th century.
Préservation historique Europe Constructions 20e siècle.
Buildings Repair and reconstruction.



Added entries:

KADOC artes ; 12.


Location: Library main 286681
Call No.: BIB 227107
Status: Available


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