Architectural theory. Vol. I, An anthology from Vitruvius to 1870 / edited by Harry Francis Mallgrave.
Title & Author:

Architectural theory. Vol. I, An anthology from Vitruvius to 1870 / edited by Harry Francis Mallgrave.


Malden, MA ; Oxford ; Carlton, Victoria, Australia : Blackwell Pub., 2006.


xxv, 590 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part I. Classicism and the Renaissance : A. The classical and medieval traditions : From On architecture, Book 1-4 (c.25 B.C.) / Vitruvius ; From I Kings, Old Testament ; From The Book of Ezekiel (c.586 B.C.), Old Testament ; From The Revelation of Jesus Christ to Saint John (c.95 A.D.), New Testament ; From The Book of Suger, Abbot of Saint-Denis (c.1144) ; From Rationale divinorum officiorum (1286) / William Durandus -- B. Renaissance and Baroque ideals : From The Life of Brunelleschi (1480s) / Antonio di Tuccio Manetti ; From On the art of building, Prologue and Book 1 (1443-52); Book 6; Book 9 / Léon Battista Alberti ; From Book I and Book VIII of untitled treatise on architecture (1461-3) / Il Filarete ; From Book 3, The complete works on architecture and perspective (1540) / Sebastiano Serlio ; From Preface to Rules of the five orders of architecture (1562) / Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola ; From I The four books of architecture (1570) / Palladio ; From Ezekiel commentaries (1604) / Juan Bautista Villalpando ; From Preface and from "Life of Michelangelo" in Lives of the most eminent Italian architects, painters, and sculptors (1550, 1568) / Georgio Vasari ; From Preface to Palaces of Genoa (1622) / Peter Paul Rubens -- Part II. Classicism in France and Britain : A. French classicism: ancients and moderns : From Rules for the direction of the mind (1628) / René́ Descartes ; From Preface to A parallel of the ancient architecture with the modern (1650) / Roland Fréart de Chambray ; From Diary of the Cavaliere Bernini's Visit to France (1665) / Paul Fréart de Chantelou ; From "Inaugural lecture to the Academy of Architecture" (1671) / François Blondel ; From Architecture course (1675) / François Blondel ; From Harmonic architecture (1677) / René́ Ouvrard ; Annotations to French translation of The ten books of architecture of Vitruvius (1673) / Claude Perrault ; From Architecture course, Vol. II (1683) / François Blondel ; From The ten books of architecture of Vitruvius, second edition (1684); From Ordonnance for the kinds of columns after the method of the ancients (1683) / Claude Perrault ; From Preface to Historical survey of the life and works of the most celebrated architects (1687) / Jean-François Félibien ; From Preface to Parallel of the ancients and moderns with regard to the arts and sciences (1688); From "Design of a portal for the church of Sainte-Geneviève in Paris" (1697) / Charles Perrault ; From Critical memoirs on architecture (1702) / Michel de Frémin ; From New treatise on all architecture or the art of building (1706, 1714) / Jean-Louis de Cordemoy -- B. British classicism and Palladianism : From The Elements of architecture (1624) / Henry Wotton ; From Tracts I, II and IV on architecture (mid-1670s) / Christopher Wren ; From Characteristics of men, manners, opinions, times (1711); From "A letter concerning design" (1712) / Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury ; Introduction to Vitruvius Britannicus, Vol. I (1715) / Colin Campbell ; Translator's preface to The architecture of A. Palladio (1715) / Nicholas Du Bois ; "Advertisement" to The designs of Inigo Jones (1727) / William Kent ; Introduction to A book of architecture (1728) / James Gibbs ; From An essay in defence of ancient architecture (1728) / Robert Morris ; From Of false taste (1731) / Alexander Pope ; "Advertisement" to Andrea Palladio: The four books of architecture (1737) / Isaac Ware ; From "An essay upon harmony" (1739) / Robert Morris.
Part III. Neoclassicism and the Enlightenment : A. Early neoclassicism : From Preface to Outline for a historical architecture (1721) / Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach ; From Philosophic letters on the English (1733) / Voltaire ; From "Memoir on architectural proportions" (1739); From "Memoir on Gothic architecture" (1741) / Jacques-Gabriel Soufflot ; From Notes for a projected treatise on architecture (c.1740s) / Carlo Lodoli ; From Preface to The spirit of the laws (1748) / Baron de Montesquieu ; From "Discourse on the sciences and arts" (1750) / Jean-Jacques Rousseau ; From "Preliminary discourse of the editors" (1751) / Jean Le Rond D'Alembert ; From "Architecture" in Diderot's Encyclopedia (1751) / Jacques-François Blondel ; From Preface to Treatise on essential beauty in the arts (1752) /Charles-Étienne Briseau ; From Essay on architecture (1753) / Marc-Antoine Laugier ; From A complete body of architecture, Chapters II, IX (1756) / Isaac Ware ; From A treatise on civil architecture (1759); From A treatise on the decorative part of civil architecture (1791) / William Chambers -- B. Greece and the classical ideal : From "Proposals for publishing an accurate description of the antiquities of Athens" (1748) / James Stuart and Nicholas Revett ; From The ruins of Palmyra (1753) / Robert Wood and James Dawkins ; From Reflections on the imitation of Greek works in painting and sculpture (1755) / Johann Joachim Winckelmann ; From "A Dialogue on Taste" in The Investigator (1755) / Allan Ramsay ; Julien-David Leroy ; From The ruins of the most beautiful monuments of Greece (1758) / Julien-David Leroy ; From the Preface to The antiquities of Athens (1762) / James Stuart and Nicholas Revett ; From History of the art of antiquity (1764) / Johann Joachim Winckelmann ; From "Observations on the letter of Monsieur Mariette" (1765); From Opinions on architecture (1765); From "An apologetical essay in defence of the Egyptian and Tuscan architecture" (1769) / Giovanni Battista Piranesi -- C. Character and expression : From Book of architecture (1745) / Germain Boffrand ; From Essay on the origin of human knowledge (1746) / Étienne Bonnot de Condillac ; From History of the arrangement and different forms that the Christians have given their churches (1764) / Julien-David Leroy ; From Course of architecture (1771) Jacques-François Blondel ; From The genius of architecture (1780) / Nicolas Le Camus de Méziéres ; From Letters on the architecture of the moderns (1787) / Jean-Louis Viel de Saint-Maux ; From Methodical encyclopedia (1788) / A.C. Quatremère de Quincy ; From Architecture, essay on art (c.1794) Étienne-Louis Boullée ; From Architecture considered in relation to art, morals, and legislation (1804) / Claude Nicolas Ledoux ; From Royal Academy Lectures on Architecture (V and XI; 1812-15) / John Soane -- Part IV. Theories of the picturesque and sublime : A. Sources of the picturesque : From An essay concerning human understanding (1690) / John Locke ; From "Upon the gardens of Epicurus; or, of Gardening in the year 1685" (1692) / William Temple ; Letter to the Duchess of Marlborough (1709) / John Vanbrugh ; From "The moralists" (1709) / Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury ; From The spectator (1712) / Joseph Addison ; From The villas of the ancients illustrated (1728) / Robert Castell ; From New principles of gardening (1728) / Batty Langley ; From Lectures on architecture (1734-1736) / Robert Morris ; From Designs of Chinese buildings (1757) / William Chambers.
B. Toward a relativist aesthetics : From An essay concerning human understanding, fourth edition (1700) / John Locke ; From The spectator (1712) / Joseph Addison ; From Critical reflections on poetry, painting, and music (1719) / Jean Baptiste du Bos ; From An inquiry into the original of our ideas of beauty and virtue (1725) / Francis Hutcheson ; From the "Third dialogue" of Alciphron (1732) / George Berkeley ; From A treatise of human nature (1739-40) / David Hume ; From "A dialogue on taste" in The investigator (1755) / Allan Ramsey ; From An essay on taste (1756) / Alexander Gerard ; From "Of the standard of taste" (1757) / David Hume ; From A philosophical inquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful (1757) / Edmund Burke ; From Elements of criticism (1762) / Lord Kames ; From Preface to The works in architecture of Robert and James Adam (1773-78) / Robert and James Adam -- C. Consolidation of picturesque theory : From Observations on modern gardening (1770) / Thomas Whately ; From "The history of the modern taste in gardening" (1771) / Horace Walpole ; From A dissertation on oriental gardening (1772) / William Chambers ; From Observations on the River Wye (1782) / William Gilpin ; From Discourses on art (1786) / Joshua Reynolds ; From Plans, elevations, and sections of buildings (1788) / John Soane ; From Essays on the picturesque (1794) / Uvedale Price ; From "Postscript" to The landscape, second edition (1795) / Richard Payne Knight ; From Sketches and hints on landscape gardening (1795) / Humphry Repton ; From "An essay on architecture and buildings as connected with scenery" (1798) / Uvedale Price ; From An Analytical Inquiry into the Principles of Taste (1805) / Richard Payne Knight ; From Royal Academy lectures on architecture, V, VIII, and XI (1812-15) / John Soane -- Part V. The rise of historicism in the nineteenth century : A. Challenges to classicism in France, 1802-34 : From Précis of the lectures on architecture (1802) / Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand ; From On Egyptian architecture (1803) / A.C. Quatremère de Quincy ; From Archaeology of the architecture of the Greeks and Romans (1801) / Christian Ludwig Stieglitz ; From The Olympian Jupiter (1814) / A.C. Quatremère de Quincy ; From "On the Aegina Marbles" (1819) / Charles Robert Cockerell ; Annotations to Stuart and Revett's The Antiquities of Athens, second edition (1825) / William Kinnard ; From The Temple of Apollo at Bassae in Arcadia (1826) / Otto Magnus von Stackelberg ; From "Polychrome architecture among the Greeks" (1830) / Jacques Ignace Hittorff ; From Preliminary remarks on polychrome architecture and sculpture in antiquity (1834) / Gottfried Semper ; Excerpts from three letters of 1829, 1830, and 1831 / Léon Vaudoyer ; From To artists (1830) / Émile Barrault ; From The hunchback of Notre-Dame (1832) Victor Hugo ; From Preliminary remarks on polychrome architecture and sculpture in antiquity (1834) / Gottfried Semper ; From "Architecture" in the New Encyclopedia (1834) / Léonce Reynaud.
B. The Gothic revival in Britain, Germany, and France : From Letter to H. Zouch (1759); From A description of the villa of Horace Walpole at Strawberry Hill (1774) / Horace Walpole ; From "On German architecture" (1772) / Johann Wolfgang Goethe ; From The genius of Christianity (1802) / François René́ Chateaubriand ; From Notes on a trip through the Netherlands (1806) / Friedrich von Schlegel ; From "The cathedral in Cologne" (1814) / Joseph Görres ; From Monuments of German architecture (1815-1821) / Georg Moller ; From An attempt to discriminate the styles of English architecture (1817) / Thomas Rickman ; From Architectural notes on German churches (1830) / William Whewell ; From Remarks on the architecture of the middle ages (1835) / Robert Willis ; From Contrasts (1836); From The true principles of pointed or Christian architecture (1842) / Augustus Welby Pugin ; From The ecclesiologist (1841) / John Mason Neale and Benjamin Webb ; From The hunchback of Notre-Dame (1832) Victor Hugo ; From "Architecture" in the New Encyclopedia (1834) / Léonce Reynaud ; From "On the construction of religious buildings in France" (1844) / Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc -- C. The German style debate : From Critique of judgment (1790) / Immanuel Kant ; From Lectures on literature and the fine arts (1801-2) / August Schlegel ; From "Some thoughts on the necessity of endeavoring to unify the various departments of architecture" (1799) / Friedrich Gilly ; Literary fragments (c. 1805) / Karl Friedrich Schinkel ; From The Philosophy of Fine Art (1820s) / Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ; From Letter to Johann Martin von Wagner (1828) / Friedrich von Gärtner ; From In what style should we build? (1828) / Heinrich Hübsch ; From "Remarks on the book: In what style should we build?" (1829) / Rudolf Wiegmann ; From Notes for a textbook on architecture (c.1830, 1835) / Karl Friedrich Schinkel ; From "Thoughts on the development of a national architectural style for the present" (1841) / Rudolf Wiegmann ; From "Remarks on the architectural questions broached by Professor Stier" (1845) / Johann Heinrich Wolff ; From "Contribution to the contemporary question: In what style should one build!" (1845) / Eduard Metzger ; From "The principles of the Hellenic and Germanic ways of building" (1846) / Carl Bötticher -- D. The rise of American theory : Letters (1787, 1791, 1805, 1812) / Thomas Jefferson ; Letter to Thomas Jefferson (1807) / Benjamin Latrobe ; From "On Architecture" (1814) / George Tucker ; From Introductory lecture on architecture (1824) / William Strickland ; From "Of modern architecture" (1841) / Thomas U. Walter ; From "Architecture in the United States" (1843) / Arthur Delavan Gilman ; From "The cultivation of true taste" (1851) / Thomas Alexander Tefft ; From "Self-reliance" (1841); From "Thoughts on art" (1841) / Ralph Waldo Emerson ; From Letter to Washington Allston (1831); From "American architecture" (1843); From "Structure and Organization" (1852) / Horatio Greenough ; From his journal (January 11, 1852) / Henry David Thoreau ; From A treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening (1841); From Cottage residences (1842); From Hints to persons about building in the country (1847); From The architecture of country houses (1850) / Andrew Jackson Downing ; From Villas and cottages (1857) / Calvert Vaux ; From The art-idea (1864) / James Jackson Jarves.
Part VI. Historicism in the Industrial Age : A. The battle of the styles in Britain : From Observations on the plans and elevations designed by James Wyatt (1804); From An historical essay on architecture (1835) / Thomas Hope ; From "Preliminary discourse before the University College of London" (1842) / Thomas Leverton Donaldson ; From The seven lamps of architecture (1849) / John Ruskin ; From The builder (1850) / James Fergusson, Augustus Welby Pugin, Edward Lacy Garbett, Robert Kerr ; From Rudimentary treatise on the principles of design in architecture (1850) / Edward Lacy Garbett ; From "The nature of gothic" (1851-3) / John Ruskin ; From The industrial arts of the nineteenth century (1851) / Matthew Digby Wyatt ; From "Supplementary report on design" (1852) / Richard Redgrave ; From The grammar of ornament (1856) / Owen Jones ; From "The deteriorative power of conventional art over nations" (1859) / John Ruskin ; "The battle of the styles," from The builder (1860) / Robert Kerr ; From History of the modern styles of architecture (1862) / James Fergusson ; Prospectus for Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Company (1861) / William Morris -- B. Rationalism, eclecticism, and realism in France : From "Studies of architecture in France"(1844) / Albert Lenoir and Léon Vaudoyer ; From "On the construction of religious building in France" (1845) / Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc ; From "On liberty in art" (1847) / Cesár Daly ; From Treatise on architecture (1850) / Léonce Reynaud ; From "Architecture," in Reasoned dictionary (1854) / Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc ; From "Statement on realism" (1855) / Gustave Courbet ; From "The painter of modern life" (1859) / Charles Baudelaire ; From Lectures on architecture, Lecture VI (1859) / Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc ; From Revue générale, Vol.21 (1863); Vol. 23 (1866) / Cesár Daly ; From "Salon of 1866" / Bourgeois de Lagny ; From "Style" in Reasoned dictionary (1866); From Lectures on architecture, Lecture XII (1866) / Eugène-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc ; From The covered market of Paris (1872) / Émile Zola -- C. Tectonics and style in Germany : From Dutch letters (1834) / Karl von Schnaase ; From Greek tectonics (1843) / Karl Bötticher ; From "Suggestions on the skillful relation of ornament to untreated form" (1845) / Eduard van der Nüll ; From The structural element in architecture (1849) / Heinrich Leibnitz ; From The four elements of architecture (1851); From Science, industry, and art (1852) / Gottfried Semper ; From The civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (1860); From The history of the Italian Renaissance (1867) / Jacob Burckhardt ; From Style in the technical and tectonic arts (1860) / Gottfried Semper ; From History of German Aesthetics (1868) / Rudolf Hermann Lotze ; From On architectural style (1869) / Gottfried Semper ; From "On the meaning and power of space in architecture" (1869) / Richard Lucae.
CCA mentioned in acknowledgments.
This publication was facilitated by the CCA Study Centre Visiting Scholars Program.

9781405102575 (hard cover ; alk. paper)
1405102578 (hard cover ; alk. paper)
9781405102582 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
1405102586 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Architecture Philosophy.
Architectural theory.

Added entries:

Mallgrave, Harry Francis.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Centre d'étude.

Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870


Location: Library study room 258882
Call No.: NA2500 .A715 2006
Copy: v. 1
Notes: pbk.
Status: Available


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