Kempenaers, Jan, 1968-
Spomenik #1-26 / [photographs by Jan Kempenaers ; text by Willem Jan Neutelings].
Amsterdam : Roma Publications, ©2010.
64 unnumbered pages : color illustrations ; 25 x 34 cm.
Roma Publication ; 141
On the rugged, mountainous regions of the former Yugoslavia, Spomeniks are everywhere. You'll see them on strategic outcrops, lofty passes and sweeping plateaus: gigantic sculptures, firmly anchored to the rocks. They are objects of stunning beauty. Their abstract geometric shapes recall macro views of viruses, flower-petal goblets, crystals. They are built of indesctructible materials like reinforced concrete, steel and granite. Some are solid. others hollow. The largest Spomeniks even afford access to the public, teetering on the boundary where sculpture becomes architecture.
Photography of sculpture Yugoslavia Pictorial works.
Outdoor sculpture Yugoslavia Pictorial works.
World War, 1939-1945 Monuments Yugoslavia Pictorial works.
Monuments Yugoslavia Pictorial works.
Monuments in art.
Photographie de sculpture Yougoslavie Ouvrages illustrés.
Sculpture en plein air Yougoslavie Ouvrages illustrés.
Monuments Yougoslavie Ouvrages illustrés.
Monuments dans l'art.
Outdoor sculpture
Photography of sculpture
Illustrated works
Neutelings, Willem Jan, 1959-
ROMA publication ; 141.
Location: Library main m 270828
Call No.: BIB 203669
Status: Available
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