Holanda, Frederico Rosa Borges de.
Oscar Niemeyer : de vidro e concreto = of glass and concrete / Frederico de Holanda ; [preface by Luiz Amorim ; English translation: Mark David Ridd].
Brasília : FRBH, ©2011.
167 pages : illustrations ; 20 cm.
[Coleção bolso = Pocket collection ; 1]
First "pocket book" edition of FRBH Ediçoes and the first number of the collection. The work is the outcome of the research group coordinated by architect Federico de Holanda (b. Recife 1944) "Dimenses morfológicas do processo de urbanization" (Morphological Dimensions of Urbanization Process). Oscar Niemeyer is one of the great architects of our times, although controversies do exist about specific aspects of his work. The present text examines how his internal and external designs have changes over the years: the older designs are more open and transparent while more recent ones tend to be more closed and opaque. The author reflects: "Being modern means thinking mainly in terms of "full" as opposed to "empty" space. In his later work, Niemeyer sadly turns more 'modern'." --P. 52.
Niemeyer, Oscar, 1907-2012 Criticism and interpretation.
Niemeyer, Oscar, 1907-2012.
Space (Architecture)
Concrete construction.
Glass construction.
Architecture Brazil History 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Espace (Architecture)
Construction en béton.
Construction en verre.
Architecture Brésil Histoire 20e siècle.
Criticism, interpretation, etc.
Amorim, Luiz.
Ridd, Mark David.
Coleção Bolso ; 1.
Location: Library main 275746
Call No.: BIB 210093
Status: Available
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