Vaillancourt, Armand, 1929-
[Armand Vaillancourt et Josée Dupuis en conversation].
1 videocassette (VHS) (approximately 93 min.) : sound, color ; 1/2 in. consultation copy
Presented at the CCA Apr. 28, 2005. Introductory remarks by Benjamin Prosky. The event was the third in a series of 3 lectures entitled "Les années 60, la vie montréalaise"/"The sixties, life in Montréal", held in conjunction with the exhibition "Les années 60 : Montréal voit grand."
Vaillancourt, Armand, 1929-
Nineteen sixties.
Années soixante (Vingtième siècle)
Video recordings.
Dupuis, Josée.
Prosky, Benjamin.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Années 60, la vie montréalaise (Lecture series) (2005 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
Location: Library main av cca productions 265039
Call No.: Box 26 (BIB 196466)
Notes: VHS consultation copy.
Status: Available
Location: Library main av cca productions 265040
Call No.: Box 26 (BIB 196466)
Copy: tape 1
Notes: Mini-DV
Status: Available
Location: Library main av cca productions 265041
Call No.: Box 26 (BIB 196466)
Copy: tape 2
Notes: Mini-DV
Status: Available
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