Mirza, M. Saeed.
Expressways : recordings, 2001.
1 videocassette (VHS) (approximately 76 min.) : sound, color ; 1/2 in. consultation copy
Recordings of a lecture given by Saeed Mirza, a professor of civil engineering at McGill University, exploring the history, social and economic aspects, ecological factors and growing maintenance concerns for the near future of highway infrastructure in North America with a focus on the highways, expressways and bridges that define the transportation infrastructure of the city of Montréal. Presented on Mar. 1, 2001 at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal, in collaboration with Heritage Montreal, as the fourth of six lectures in a series entitled "Comment traverser une ville = A moving experience". Includes opening remarks by Nancy Dunton and introductory and closing remarks by Dinu Bumbaru.
Express highways.
City planning Québec (Province) Montréal.
City planning
Montréal (Québec) History.
Québec Montréal
Expressways Canada Québec (Province) Montréal.
Urban planning Canada Québec (Province) Montréal.
NTSC standard.
Video recordings.
Sound recordings.
Digital audio tapes.
Bumbaru, Dinu.
Dunton, Nancy H.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Heritage Montreal (Association)
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Comment traverser une ville (Lecture series) (2001 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
Location: Library main av cca productions 274230
Call No.: Box 13 (BIB 207999)
Notes: DAT
Status: Available
Location: Library main av cca productions 274231
Call No.: Box 13 (BIB 207999)
Notes: VHS consultation copy
Status: Available
Location: Library main av cca productions 274228
Call No.: Box 13 (BIB 207999)
Copy: tape 1
Notes: Mini-DV
Status: Available
Location: Library main av cca productions 274229
Call No.: Box 13 (BIB 207999)
Copy: tape 2
Notes: Mini-DV
Status: Available
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