Neighbors and neighborhoods : elements of successful community design / Sidney Brower.
Main entry:

Brower, Sidney N.

Title & Author:

Neighbors and neighborhoods : elements of successful community design / Sidney Brower.


Chicago, IL : APA Planners Press, ©2011.


xxxi, 192 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm.


The citizens planning series

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Social science research. What is community? -- Development histories. Homogeneity -- Community organizations -- Suitable physical settings -- Ongoing traditions and the historical past -- Community design. The appearance of community -- Community-generating neighborhoods -- Policy, management, and process.

"How does the design of a neighborhood affect its residents? In this engaging book, Sidney Brower shows how a neighborhood's design lays the groundwork for the social relationships that make it a community. Blending social science with personal interviews, Brower shares the lessons of planned communities from historic Riverside, Illinois, to archetypal Levittown, New York, and Disney's Celebration, Florida. Neighbors and Neighborhoods is an eye-opener for all who have wondered what makes our local neighborhoods tick. It demystifies the way planners, architects, developers, organizers, and citizens come together in crafting a community's physical elements, policies, programs, and processes. Readers will come away with new understandings of their roles in creating the communities they want."--Publisher's website.




Sociology, Urban.
Neighborhood planning.
Planned communities United States.
Sociologie urbaine.
Quartiers (Urbanisme) Planification.
Collectivités nouvelles États-Unis.
urban sociology.
Planned communities.
United States.

Added entries:

Citizens planning series.


Location: Library main 277664
Call No.: BIB 212539
Status: Available


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