National fallout shelter design competition-community center awards / a project of the Office of Civil Defense ; Dept. of Defense ; conducted by the American Institute of Architects.
Main entry:

American Institute of Architects.

Title & Author:

National fallout shelter design competition-community center awards / a project of the Office of Civil Defense ; Dept. of Defense ; conducted by the American Institute of Architects.


Washington : Dept. of Defense. Office of Civil Defense, 1967.


70 pages : illustrations ; 22 x 29 cm.


Technical report - Office of Civil Defense ; TR-47

"July 1967."
Statement by Department of Defense. pp. 4.
Competition to design a community education and recreation center which also solves the problems of shelter from fallout radiation.
Third in a series of competitions sponsored by the American Institute of Architects and the Office of Civil Defense. The 1962 competition had as its subject a fallout protected school, the 1964 competition had as its subject a shopping center.
Grand prize winners: Brooks and Brooks Architects.
Statement by the American Institute of Architects. pp. 5.
Report of the Professional advisor. pp. 6.
Basic terminology of radiation shielding. pp. 8.
Radiation types and sources. pp. 8.
Techniques of exposure control. pp. 9.
Shelter evaluation. pp. 9.
Report of the jury. pp. 10.
The Awards. pp. 12.
The competition program. pp. 65.

The award winning designs presented in this booklet represent another major contribution by the design professions, through the medium of an architectural competition, toward fuller development of the national defense resource obtainable by the inclusion of dual-use fallout shelter in new construction.


National Fallout Shelter Design Competition-Community Center (1967)
Civil defense.
Shielding (Radiation)
Fallout shelters United States Design and construction.
Nuclear bomb shelters United States Design and construction.
Radiation Safety measures.
Architectural design.
Civil Defense
Radiation Protection
Protection civile.
Blindage (Rayonnement)
Rayonnement Sécurité Mesures.
Design architectural.
Fallout shelters Design and construction.
Nuclear bomb shelters Design and construction.
Nuclear bomb shelters United States.
Community centers United States.
Architecture Competitions United States.
Architecture Awards United States
United States.
Architectural competitions United States 1960-1970.
Architectural awards United States 1960-1970.
Community centers United States 1960-1970.
Nuclear bomb shelters United States 1960-1970.

Added entries:

United States. Office of Civil Defense.
American Institute of Architects
Brooks and Brooks
United States. Office of Civil Defense. Technical report ; TR-47.


Location: Library main 199383
Call No.: NA2340.N38 1966
Status: Available


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