Kertész, André.
André Kertész / Michel Frizot, Annie-Laure Wanaverbecq.
Paris : Hazan : Jeu de paume, ©2010.
359 pages : illustrations ; 32 cm
André Kertéz is one of the most original and celebrated of photographers of the 20th century. He was the founder of the modernist photography that originated in the European avant-garde movements of the 1920s. This book collects some of his work and includes notes on particular elements of his style and practice.
9782754104784 (cased)
275410478X (cased)
Kertész, André Exhibitions.
Kertész, André
Photography, Artistic Exhibitions.
Photographie artistique Expositions.
Photography, Artistic
Exhibition catalogs.
Frizot, Michel.
Wanaverbecq, Annie-Laure.
Jeu de paume (Gallery : France)
Location: Library main 270229
Call No.: BIB 202919
Status: Available
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