Design after decline : how America rebuilds shrinking cities / Brent D. Ryan.
Main entry:

Ryan, Brent D., 1969-

Title & Author:

Design after decline : how America rebuilds shrinking cities / Brent D. Ryan.


1st ed.


Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, ©2012.


xiv, 261 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.


The city in the twenty-first century

Includes bibliographical references (pages 227-243) and index.
"The burden has passed": urban design after urban renewal -- Shrinkage or renewal?: The fate of older cities, 1950-90 -- "People want these houses": the suburbanization of Detroit -- "Another tradition in planning": the suburbanization of North Philadelphia -- Toward social urbanism for shrinking cities.

In Design After Decline, Brent D. Ryan reveals the fraught and intermittently successful efforts of architects, planners, and city officials to rebuild shrinking cities following mid-century urban renewal. With modern architecture in disrepute, federal funds scarce, and architects and planners disengaged, politicians and developers were left to pick up the pieces. In twin narratives, Ryan describes how America's two largest shrinking cities, Detroit and Philadelphia, faced the challenge of design after decline in dramatically different ways. While Detroit allowed developers to carve up the cityscape into suburban enclaves, Philadelphia brought back 1960s-style land condemnation for benevolent social purposes. Both Detroit and Philadelphia "succeeded" in rebuilding but at the cost of innovative urban design and planning. Ryan proposes that the unprecedented crisis facing these cities today requires a revival of the visionary thinking found in the best modernist urban design, tempered with the lessons gained from post-1960s community planning. Depicting the ideal shrinking city as a shifting patchwork of open and settled areas, Ryan concludes that accepting the inevitable decline and abandonment of some neighborhoods, while rebuilding others as new neighborhoods with innovative design and planning, can reignite modernism's spirit of optimism and shape a brighter future for shrinking cities and their residents. -- Jacket.


9780812244076 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
0812244079 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9780812223040 (pbk.)
0812223047 (pbk.)


Urban renewal United States.
City planning United States.
Land use, Urban United States.
Urban policy United States.
Neighborhood planning Michigan Detroit.
Neighborhood planning Pennsylvania Philadelphia.
Rénovation urbaine États-Unis.
Utilisation urbaine du sol États-Unis.
Politique urbaine États-Unis.
City planning.
Land use, Urban.
Urban policy.
Urban renewal.
United States.



Added entries:

City in the twenty-first century book series.


Location: Library main 279589
Call No.: BIB 215709
Status: Available


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