Urban design as craft : eleven conversations and seven projects 1999-2011 = Stadt Bau als Handwerk : elf Gespräche und sieben Projekte 1999-2011 / Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani.
Main entry:

Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, 1951-

Title & Author:

Urban design as craft : eleven conversations and seven projects 1999-2011 = Stadt Bau als Handwerk : elf Gespräche und sieben Projekte 1999-2011 / Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani.


Zurich : Gta Verlag, 2011.


152 pages : illustrations, plans ; 30 cm

"The present volume was published to accompany the exhibition 'Urban Design as Craft / Stadt-Bau als Handwerk', presented by the Studio di ARchitettura in Milan ... and shown at the Denz Showroom from 3 November to 16 December 2011"--Impressum.
Includes bibliographical references.
Building and enduring -- Intelligent banality -- Modernity and beauty -- Learning from older urban structures -- The City is the place for tolerance par excellence -- Tear it down if necessary! A plea for intelligence in urban planning -- Urban planning needs explicit guidelines -- Against shopping malls -- Whats genuine is what matches our lifestyles -- Every city has to develop its own face -- We still need to learn long-term thinking -- Seven Projects: Research campus, East Hanover, New Jersey -- Färbi district, Schlieren -- Science City ETH Hönggerberg, Zürich -- Mergellina underground railway station, Naples -- Redesign of Theresienstrasse, Ingolstadt -- Unterfeld district, Baar -- Research campus, Siena.
English and German.

In eleven pointed and sometimes provocative conversations, architect and professor of architecture, Vittorio Magnago Lampugnani uses a critique of contemporary urban planning to develop principles for reestablishing the discipline. In seven projects designed with these principles in mind, he shows how his vigorous reinterpretation of the field can be implemented and what a fresh start can look like. Magnago Lampugnani envisages a calm modern city that can measure itself against the historic city, while emphasizing sustainability and providing a home for a multifaceted and continually changing society.


9783856762957 (paperback)
3856762957 (paperback)


Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, 1951- Interviews.
Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio,
Magnago Lampugnani, Vittorio, 1951-
City planning.
City planning Philosophy.
Public architecture Designs and plans.
Public architecture Aesthetics.
Landscape architecture Aesthetics.
Architecture publique Dessins et plans.
Architecture publique Esthétique.
Architecture du paysage Esthétique.
Public architecture


Exhibition publications.
Architectural drawings

Added entries:

Stadt Bau als Handwerk : elf Gespräche und sieben Projekte 1999-2011


Location: Library main 282542
Call No.: BIB 220177
Status: Available


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