Yankielun, Norbert E.
How to build an igloo : and other snow shelters / Norbert E. Yankielun ; illustrations by Amelia Bauer.
1st ed.
New York : W.W. Norton, ©2007.
148 pages : illustrations ; 15 x 23 cm
Features a step-by-step guide to constructing snow structures, including igloos, slab shelters, drift caves, and spruce traps, and provides information about cold-weather clothing and camping.
9780393732153 (pbk.)
0393732150 (pbk.)
Mountain shelters.
Building, Ice and snow.
Wilderness survival.
Snow Thermal properties.
Construction en glace et en neige.
Survie en milieu sauvage.
Neige Propriétés thermiques.
Location: Library main y 260060
Call No.: BIB 190967
Status: Available
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