Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-
The Manhattan transcripts / Bernard Tschumi.
New ed. / prepared by Robert Young.
London : Academy Editions, 1994.
63,xxxp. : ill. ; 28cm.
This text presents drawings that are neither real projects nor mere fantasies. They aim to transcribe things normally removed from conventional architectural representation, namely the complex relationship between spaces and the set and the script, and between objects and events.
Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-
Architectural drawing.
Architectural design Philosophy.
Design architectural Philosophie.
Architectural drawings
Swiss Architects.
French Architects.
Architectural theory.
Space perception.
Architectural drawings 1990-2000.
Young, Robert.
Location: Library main 189770
Call No.: NA44.T881.A35 1994
Status: Available
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