Lanciault, Thérèse.
L'herbe est toujours plus verte chez le voisin = : the grass is always greener.
1 audiocassette (DAT) (approximately 100 min.) ; 2 7/8 x 2 1/8 in., 1/8 in. tape. master
Audio recording of a round-table discussion held on Oct. 15, 1998 at the Canadian Centre for Architecture, Montréal. The three featured speakers are Thérèse Lanciault, Suzanne Bachand, and Isabelle Dupras. Topics covered include the different types of public lawns, issues with ragweed, and arguments for the naturalisation of green spaces. Includes introductory and closing remarks by Nancy Dunton, as well as remarks by Ron Williams and Bruno Gadrat. The event, which was held in collaboration with the École d'architecture de paysage de l'Université de Montréal, was the fifth in a series of lectures entitled "Terrains de rêve" = "Fields of Dreams" and was held in conjunction with the exhibition "Surface du quotidien : la pelouse en Amérique" = "The American lawn : surface of everyday life", held at the CCA June 16-Nov. 8, 1998
Landscape architecture Québec (Province)
Parks Québec (Province) Pointe-Claire.
Ragweeds Control Québec (Province)
Natural landscaping Québec (Province)
Architecture du paysage Québec (Province)
Ambrosia Lutte contre Québec (Province)
Aménagement paysager naturel Québec (Province)
Landscape architecture
Natural landscaping
Ragweeds Control
Québec Pointe-Claire
Parks (recreation areas) Canada Québec (Province) Pointe-Claire.
Landscape architecture Canada Québec (Province)
Panel discussions.
Sound recordings.
Digital audio tapes.
Bachand, Suzanne.
Dupras, Isabelle, 1969-
Williams, Ron, 1942-
Gadrat, Bruno.
Dunton, Nancy H.
Centre canadien d'architecture.
Université de Montréal. École d'architecture de paysage.
Centre canadien d'architecture. Enregistrements des événements.
Terrains de rêve (Lecture series) (1998 : Centre canadien d'architecture)
Grass is always greener
Location: Library main av cca productions 277327
Call No.: Box 33 (BIB 212109)
Notes: DAT master
Status: Available
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