Pallasmaa, Juhani, author.
The thinking hand : existential and embodied wisdom in architecture / Juhani Pallasmaa.
Chichester [England] : John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
159 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 22 cm
AD primers
Surveys the multiple essences of the hand, its biological evolution and its role in the shaping of culture, highlighting how the hand-tool union and eye-hand-mind fusion are essential for dexterity and how ultimately the body and the senses play a crucial role in memory and creative work.
0470779284 (hbk.)
9780470779286 (hbk.)
0470779292 (pbk.)
9780470779293 (pbk.)
Architecture Aesthetics.
Architecture Esthétique.
Arkitektur teori, filosofi.
AD primers.
Location: Library main 263051
Call No.: NA44.P154.A74 2009
Notes: pbk.
Status: Available
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