Cooperation : the engineer and the architect / Aita Flury (ed.) ; [concept, Aita Flury ; translation, David Koralek, Richard Toovey ; authors and interview partners, Christoph Baumberger [and others]].
Basel : Birkhäuser, ©2012.
284 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm
This book provides a thorough description of just how varied and complex, how stressful and yet inspiring the cooperation between architect and engineer can be. It offers an insight into the complex relationship between the two professions: from the historical analysis and theoretical examination via an exploration of partial aspects such as the relationship between support structure and space or the graphic reflections by individual actors on the process of designing and building. As such, it provides architects and students with the tools for future cooperation.
9783034607940 (paperback)
3034607946 (paperback)
Architects and engineers.
Architectes et ingénieurs.
Flury, Aita, 1969-
Baumberger, Christoph.
Location: Library main 278209
Call No.: BIB 213719
Status: Available
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