C.A. Ventin Architect Ltd. : greeting cards, 1991-.
Title & Author:

C.A. Ventin Architect Ltd. : greeting cards, 1991-.


<24> items : col. ill.

1991. Halton County Court House -- 1992. Post Office and Customs House -- 1993. Milton Town Hall and Halton County Court House -- 1994. Toronto Old City Hall -- 1995. Castle Kilbride and Lennox & Addington Courthouse -- 1996. New Senior School at Prospect, Bermuda -- 1997. [unidentified] -- 1998. St. Benedict Catholic Secondary School -- 1999. Lake Joseph Club -- 2000. Happy new millenium -- 2001. Queen's University School of Business, Kingston, Ontario -- 2002. University of Guelph Student residence -- 2003. Detroit Central High School, Detroit, Michigan; Goodes Hall, Queen's School of Business, Kingston, Ont.; Toronto General Hospital College Wing Facade, Toronto, Ont.; Legends on the Niagara Golf Clubhouse, Niagara Falls, Ont. -- 2004. The Ventin Group: 30 years, works for 1973-2003 -- 2005. Brockville Courthouse; Clearview Civic Centre; Huntsville Civic Centre and Theatre; Old Toronto City Hall -- 2006. Goodes Hall, Queen's University, Wellington County Museum, Shelburne Town Hall -- 2007. Milton Town Hall expansion; St. Michael's Cathedral restoration; Centro Cultural del Bicentenario; Osler Brook Golf Clubhouse -- 2008. Huntsville Civic Centre & Algonquin Theatre; Old Cut Lighthhouse; Wellington County O.P.P. Rockwood; Wyndance Golf Club; Muskoka Falls Public School; Wellington County Multi-Use Centre Library, Clifford -- 2009. Victoria Park Residences, London; Legends of Niagara Golf Club; Town of the Blue Mountains Civic Centre; Queen's School of Business; Huntsville Civic Centre and Theatre; Hamilton Golf and Country Club; University of Western Ontario; American Standard Lofts -- 2010. Holy Rosary Church; private country residence; Arthur Public Library; Milton Civic Centre; Drayton Public Library; Point Clarke House; private country residence; St. Michael's Cathedral; Superior CVI Thunder Bay -- 2011. Milton Theatre & Library; Arthur Library; Muskoka Cottage; Private residence; Kitchener Health Unit; Hamilton City Hall; Bridgepoint Hospital; Milton Theatre & Library; The Fort Henry Discovery Centre; St. Michael's Cathedral; London Normal School; McMurtry Fountain -- 2012. Mattamy Theatre, Milton ; Hamilton City Hall; Milton Centre for the Arts; Markham Museum; Hamilton Golf Club; Boat House -- 2013. Guelph Civic Museum; Fort Henry Visitor Centre; Cartwright Cottage Private Residence; Queen's School of Business; University of Western Community Centre; Moffat Creek Public School -- 2014. Bridgepoint Active Healthcare; Don Jail; Vellore Community Centre; St. Mary's College High School; Warwick Academy; Hamilton-Wentworth DSB Education Centre; Cottage on Skeleton Bay

Annual holiday cards with calendar issued by the firm. Most cards either depict or, when assembled, create one of the firm's architectural projects.


Architecture Canada.
American architectural firms.
Architecture (object genre) Canada.


Greeting cards.
Three-dimensional cards.

Added entries:

C.A. Ventin Architect Ltd.
Ventin Group (Firm)
+VG Architects.


Location: Library cage ephemera 214362
Call No.: NA44.C3816.7 C3 1991
Status: Available


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