Le Château de Cendrillon = Cinderella's Castle.
[1994] (Montréal : Wrebbit Inc.)
1 jigsaw puzzle (530 pieces) : foambacked paper, cardboard, color ; in box 31 x 39 x 8 cm + 1 information sheet (14 x 22 cm)
Cinderella's Castle.
Toys Canada Specimens.
Jigsaw puzzles Canada Specimens.
Jouets Canada Spécimens.
Casse-tête Canada Spécimens.
Jigsaw puzzles.
Three-dimensional Jigsaw puzzles Canada 1990-2000.
Toys (recreational artifacts) Canada 1990-2000.
Three-dimensional Jigsaw puzzles.
Toys (recreational artifacts)
Wrebbit Inc.
Walt Disney Company.
Cinderella's Castle
Location: Library main objects 94185
Call No.: TS2301.T7.P3 W743 1994
Status: Available
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